Thursday, July 5, 2012

One of a Kind Art

I know I've said it before, and trust me, I'll say it again, one of my favorite things to do is shop thrift stores. I go every week to see what's new. Sometimes I leave empty handed but most times I leave with a bargin. I will often buy something and hold on to it knowing eventually I'd find something special to use it for. Shopping thrift stores gives me an opportunity to be creative. The key is to go regularly and go with an open mind. Case in point, about three years ago I found this wood and ironwork picture frame at the Salvation Army thrift store.
I used it to frame some old family pictures but I was never really happy with it. I finally got bored and stored it in the basement. I was so tempted to re-donate it but I decided to keep it until I could find another use for it. Then a few weeks ago I found these cute little placards with images of vintage posters at the Habitat Restore for $5. Each are about the size of an index card, have a felt back and are laminated.

They probably were once in small table top picture frames but who knows. I thought they were cute and at $5 for the set I was sure I could find a use for them. It wasn't until a month or so later that I got the idea to use the wrought iron picture frame I had tucked away in the basement. The frames had no backing so I needed to attach them to a background that I could then clamp to the frame. I had a set of old woven placemats I wasn't using and thought they would make a nice textured background. I cut them into the 8x10 inch pieces and hot glued them to a piece of cardboard to give it a sold  background. 
I tried spray glue but because of the open weave it wouldn't stick to the cardboard. I then centered the pictures on the placemat and attached them with hot glue. 

Next I attached the pictures to the back of the frame and secured them with fasteners. The whole project only took a couple of hours to complete. And there you have it. From an old wrought iron frame and a $5 set of mini posters I created a one of a kind piece of artwork.

What one of kind artwork have you created for your home? I'd love to see pictures.


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