Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mosaic Pot 2

I wrote last week about my first mosaic pot. The second pot I made is a little different. Just as before I began by sealing the pot with a mixture of white glue and water. After drying I used high gloss black paint around the rim making sure to also paint the inside of the rim because you will see the inside of the pot. Next I smashed bright red ceramic tile for the body of the pot and used small white pebbles as an accent. I also added a row of black tile across the bottom and the top underneath the rim. As with the first pot I used construction adhesive for outdoor projects to glue the pieces because it's very secure. 

Next wearing a rubber glove I used sanded grout to fill in all the spaces. I used a sponge to spread the grout all around the pot and began to wipe down the tile making sure to rinse out the sponge several times.  Remember, do not pour the dirty water down the drain because you will damage your pipes. You will need to pour it outside. I followed with a damp cloth to clean off the tile.  

Once the grout dried I cleaned any residue off the tiles and as much as I could off the pebbles. The next day after the grout was completely dried  I touched up the rim of the pot with high gloss black paint. I finished by adding sealer to the grout lines and  spray paint sealer along the rim.

Here is the pot after cleaning up the grout and touching up the paint. 

I had fun making the pots but now it's time to start another mosaic project. Since summer is almost over I may turn my sites to something different. 


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