When I started this blog the image that stayed in my mind was of the one and only Butterfly McQueen in Gone with the wind when she said "I don’t know nothin bout birthin' no babies". It did not take long to realize there was so much more to blogging than crafting and DIY projects. Taking good photographs and writing interesting content are just as important. I have so much to learn about both.
I thought it would be helpful to write down my thoughts and challenges so that at the end of the year I could look back and see how far I've come. If my blog is not growing and improving I need to ask myself what can I do better and is this really for me. I know the answer to the latter is yes so I need to focus on the first question.

The other challenge I have is time management. I work full time so it’s difficult to start and complete a project in the few evening hours I have. In addition to taking care of my home I also do most of my DIY projects on the weekend. This includes shopping for supplies, going to thrift stores and photographing my projects. It takes much more time than I anticipated and I'm never able to do as much as I want. Over the coming months it’s important that I improve my time management skills. I have so much I want to accomplish that the way I manage it now is just not good enough.
So, every few months I’ll write a post to journal my blogging experiences. I believe this is a growing process and I want to look back and see how far I’ve grown. I can see already that I have but I know I have a long way to go.