Looks like we made it to 01/01/15. Here in Chicago the temperature has not been as cold as last year and we've had next to no snow. Last week we had a couple days where the temperature got as high as 50 degrees. That's good weather for some die hard golfers. After what we went through in 2014 I am not complaining. So in the coming days I will put away all the Christmas decorations, return all the gifts my mother didn't want, enjoy a plate of black eye peas and cornbread and reflect on this past year.
I'm not big on resolutions but I did have one goal and that was to travel more. So this year I stuck my toe in the water and took a quick trip to Destin, Florida. It was a brief but wonderful trip because I went with my lovely sisters Kellisa and Felice whom I had not seen in a few years. It was a joy getting to know them again. I quickly realized that one is always camera ready the other is always camera shy. Both are adorable.
I first flew to Atlanta to meet up with them and was there all of about 6-7 hours before the three of us hopped in a car and hit the road. I felt so much pride watching them drive through Alabama and on to Florida. This was something I could never do because I don't like to drive. If it were me behind the wheel we would have stopped every hour to take a break from the stress and fatigue. They were such an inspiration.
The hotel we stayed in had a view of the ocean and a palm tree by the balcony. Unfortunately it held a bunch of giant ants and since none of us can stand creepy crawlies we didn't spend much time out there.
We spent a couple of days on the beach walking, talking and watching the waves and they somehow got me to go in the water. It felt good so I kept going out further and further. I went a little too much further because my knees buckled under the force of the waves and I went down. It was funny at first and I was laughing very hard but then suddenly I couldn't get my balance. We all realized about the same time that I was struggling to stand and my girls came to my rescue. No more going out further for me. It was still fun.

Next we went on a boat ride to see the dolphins. I thought I caught them swimming on my cell phone but I am somewhat technically challenged and had not pushed the record button. Rats! We even thought about going hang gliding. Yes me and my fat butt wanted to hang glide. Not sure if there was a weight limit, but if not, I was game. Sadly we asked a little too late and all the vendors were full. We'll go another year. Hopefully I'll still have the nerve to go through with it.
We spent the last night having a nice dinner at a fancy seafood restaurant. The food was fine but nothing memorable. The evening could have been nicer but the wait was terribly long and the waiter's hand was even longer. Dude got a little too familiar with my sisters derriere. Had we not been so tired we'd have had to school him on keeping his hands to himself.
I was so sorry to leave this town but it was time to head back to the city. We hopped in the car and my brave, strong, capable sisters drove us all the way home. The cherry on top of the cake was seeing my brother and his family who I had not seen since our father passed away. Our dad would have been proud seeing us all together.
My trip was only for a few days but what it did to warm my heart and my soul is immeasurable. I look forward to seeing my southern sisters again, traveling to Destin or some other resort town, and even taking a trip to another city in this glorious country.
I don't know what 2015 has in store for me but I very excited to find out.